It’s a common question among new parents: when is the best time to take newborn photos? As an experienced newborn photographer in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, I’m often asked this question. While there is no wrong time to capture precious moments with your little one, I highly recommend scheduling a photo shoot within the first 10 days of their life.
Why the first 10 days? There are several reasons why the first 10 days are an ideal time for newborn photos. Firstly, your baby will never be that tiny again. Capturing those fleeting moments with your newborn can be a priceless memory to treasure for years to come.
Newborns are also incredibly sleepy during their first few days of life, which makes it easier to pose them for those perfect shots. Additionally, newborn acne, which is common in babies, typically starts to appear around the two-week mark. Scheduling a photo shoot within the first 10 days can help you avoid any baby acne in the photos.
Of course, life with a newborn can be unpredictable, and scheduling a photo shoot within the first 10 days may not always be possible. As a mother myself, I know firsthand how challenging it can be to balance the needs of a newborn with everything else going on in life.
Regardless of when you decide to schedule your newborn photo shoot, know that there is no wrong time to capture those precious moments. Every stage of your baby’s development is special and worth documenting.
In conclusion, while scheduling a newborn photo shoot within the first 10 days of your baby’s life is ideal, there is no wrong time to capture those special moments. Every stage of your baby’s development is worth celebrating and documenting.